This morning started with an early rise and a dash to Aberdeen Airport from Inverness. It was the start of a 41 hour journey back home which would consist of 2 car rides, three train trips and three flights. The worst part about travel is the actual travel!
I've posted this image before but I thought jt quite relevant at this point as I reflect, again, on this holiday, the people I have met along the way and my unlikely travel companions at the end. It has been awesome!
Katherine called this the "Lonely Photographer". It's true in some sense. I spent a lot of this trip thinking about my life and I have enjoyed my moments of solitude but, for sure, this wasn't a lonely holiday. I saw old friends, made new ones and travelled with two women at the end who were kind, respectful and patient. I came here to get some great photographs and share my experiences with others...all accomplished. I couldn't have asked for anything more.