I've now been home a week and I can't seem to stop thinking about the wide open spaces I've just come from. I dream a lot but this week has been even more of a challenge.
It's been a little cool recently given that Australia is experiencing a very cold winter so I think I could be forgiven in thinking that there would be nobody out shooting the sunrise in a remote location. I was wrong.
I arrived at Caves beach about 20 minutes before sunrise knowing that the tide was rapidly rising and it would be difficult to access the cave. Wading through the cold water up to my knees in my jeans and trainers, I bumped into Scott from "Daily Salt" who had the same idea. I've been following Scott for a while on Instagram and always admired the fact that he gets up just about every morning to shoot the waves at Merewether. He's got some great surf work! It was strange to meet him here though.
Anyway, it was good not to be alone and luckily the sun rose before we got trapped by the waves!
This cave is super dark inside. There is no way ( yet) of getting enough detail in both the shadows and the highlights in one shot to make this work so I took multiple exposures here and blended the images.
Camera: Canon 5d Miii Lens: 16-35mm II F/2.8 Shutter speed: Multiple (HDR) Aperture: f/18 ISO: 50 Filter: Polariser