Towards the end of the afternoon I had heard people talking of a storm warning. Hail and wind from the South. Sounded promising! I drove home, got my stuff and took myself off to the beaches waiting for something to happen. Nothing :( and I just wasn't feeling it so I went home.
I bought dinner and texted an old friend...something in her reply made me really regret coming home so I packed up my stuff and off I went again...I am so glad I did.
One day there won't be any more opportunities, or another go or another sunrise or sunset. We all struggle to make the most of what we have...I need to try harder, appreciate mindfully, worry less and give more.
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO400, f/5.6, 8s
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s
Image 3: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s
Image 4: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO100, f/14, 4s
Image 5: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s