I came on this trip to South America with much trepidation. It has been a tough year in many respects but I couldn't give up the opportunity to spend time with great people like Clara and Tyson. It turns out this was the best thing I could have done. Peru is photography heaven! Handing my camera to our guide, Abel, for this shot left me thinking "I've got the settings right, get our feet in and don't back focus!!"
Miskien is jou land net 'n plek in jou eie gemoed.
Iets waaroor jy droom en sing.
Miskien is dit nie 'n plek op 'n kaart nie,
maar net 'n storie vol mense wat jy ontmoet en plekke wat jy besoek.
Ek is nie bang om huis toe te verlang nie en geen taal te hê om in te lewe nie.
Ek hoef nie soos enige iemand anders te wees nie...
West Coast Trail, Vancouver Island
A happy moment at the Campsite in Bamfield
I came to the West Coast Trail by way of a chance encounter. Ended up being one of the happiest weeks of my life!
Shooting on the trail!
Volcanoes National Park
Another big day on this North American trip. I'd driven across the Big Island from Kona and spent the afternoon shooting the fading light at Volcanoes National Park. As soon as the light disappeared, I made my way to where we could see the active volcano, Kilauea, and spent a few hours there in the dark watching the glow come up from the earth. Have a look at the Hawaii gallery for more images of the Big Island, Maui and O'ahu
I saw this tree on the side of the road today driving back from Queensland. Kinda reminded me of myself. :)
So much turmoil. I wish I'd been shooting.
Take me back
Deesdae smag my hart na die Afrika van my kinderjare
Sorgvrye somers en winters langs die kagel
Mielielande en rooi grond
Beeste, vlieë en vars melk
Bakkies, biltong en braaivleis
'n .22, 'n tarentaal en die vuil hond
Berge, slaapsakke, hardekool en boerewors
Die blitz van Laeveld weerlig en die swart en geel van 'n Hoëveld donderstorm
Visvang met Pa
Ma se kos
O bring my terug na die ou Transvaal
Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
The Fall in Banff National park is something that every good person deserves to to experience at least once. It's literally "healing to the soul". I'd driven in from Calgary the day before. Sunrise at Herbert Lake and sunset at Moraine Lake with a lot of other awesome in between!
Dead Horse Point State Park
A brief quiet moment looking out over the Nothern parts of the Grand Canyon. It was a long day. I was up at 2am to drive down from Salt Lake City to catch the sunrise at Arches National Park. Certainly well worth it. I spent the morning photographing the arches and sandstone towers before lunch in Moab and then moving to Dead Horse Point for the sunset. At this point I was reflecting on an amazing day and contemplating the undesirable 3hr drive back to the hotel in the dark.
I left my heart in San Fransisco
Well, the song is, after all, true. I did leave my heart in San Fransisco and the little bit that I took away with me I should have left there too :).
This afternoon I walked in from Sausalito to spend the afternoon shooting the bridge from the Marin Headland.
Adam is the son of my mother's twin sister. He lives with his family in Strathcona in Calgary. We'd set up on the ridge just below his home to shoot the Calgary skyline. It wasn't the best light but time with my cousin is always appreciated.