I call Australia home

Tonight I walked through a closed door
Summoned unsuspecting as ever before
On the other side a sea of dear friends
A surprise that left me in a mess

John and Kate opened their home
The stress of the build seemed long gone
Shan baked a cake, Jen sang a tune
“Happy Birthday” echoed through every room

Together we talked about days past
How young we were and oh so fast
Today I started to celebrate
And realized that I loved my fate

And someday we'll all be together once more
When all of the ships come back to the shore
I realized something I should have known
I now call Australia home

Year end 2013

At the dawn of the last day of this year
It’s hard not to shed a tear
On reflection, 2013 will be one to remember
As it’s run it’s course, from January to December

A special mention to those lost
It’s you I think of the most
Some danced and lived to hear the end of their tune
Others left us way to soon

For me it was a year of travel and adventure
Creating memories that will last well into dementia
Meeting new and exciting people
Watch this space, there’ll be a sequal

A special shout out to old friends who remained true
This one’s for you
And to the many many new friends I made having a ball
I’ve so loved meeting you all

May the wind be at your back and the sun on your face in 2014
Bring it on!