I have to say that even with the bright, luminous big screens we have today, there is nothing quite like your work in print. It's the way it was meant to be!
Newcastle's Cowrie Hole
I stood on my balcony and watched as a violent storm came in off the ocean. Five minutes of driving rain and it was gone. "There'll be rainbow down at the beach" I thought. I was right. A double one illuminated the sky right across Nobby's beach...I watched it fade from the street as I sat stuck in traffic. I had waited at home too long.
Anyway, I looked for something else. The sky was spectacular. Usually I find the Cowrie Hole a little boring but tonight the light was just right. This is the best I've done here :)
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm with Cokin 0.6GND, ISO100, f/22, 3.2s
Storming Redhead
Tonight a magnificent storm rolled in over Redhead beach. I hadn't expected too much but the night sure did deliver. It was great to see people still on the beach at 8pm also enjoying this display.
Electric Blue
Towards the end of the afternoon I had heard people talking of a storm warning. Hail and wind from the South. Sounded promising! I drove home, got my stuff and took myself off to the beaches waiting for something to happen. Nothing :( and I just wasn't feeling it so I went home.
I bought dinner and texted an old friend...something in her reply made me really regret coming home so I packed up my stuff and off I went again...I am so glad I did.
One day there won't be any more opportunities, or another go or another sunrise or sunset. We all struggle to make the most of what we have...I need to try harder, appreciate mindfully, worry less and give more.
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO400, f/5.6, 8s
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s
Image 3: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s
Image 4: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO100, f/14, 4s
Image 5: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO50, f/22, 6s
Demystifying the DSLR - Workshop
The time has finally come! I am proud and excited to announce that I will be running Exile Creative's workshop in Newcastle in February 2016.
This will be a workshop focussed on answering all the questions that took me years to figure out and, really, stood in the way of good, solid, images when I started out. It'll be interactive, hands on and we'll deal with everything from the basics to tools to need to make your photography stand out.
Check out the workshops tab and fill in the form to register and secure your spot. We're going to limit this to 15 people so that everyone can get the attention they want.
Daybreak at Merewether
I woke up this morning exhausted. It really is a mystery to me how we can sometimes be so tired and not be able to sleep. It can really only be a lack of peace. The peace we had when we were children. When exams were the most stressful things in our lives. I think sometimes about the refugees flooding into western countries...what trauma have these people suffered and will they ever be able to sleep?
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser and Cokin 0.6 Grad ND @ 16mm, ISO100, f/22, 3.2s
A new day
It's been a few weeks since I got out. Sunrise in Australia is pretty early these days. As much as I want to be a morning person...I am certainly not even though I am much better these days than I was when I was younger. It's always good when I am out there but getting there is usually a challenge.
This week I got a call from a friend and we decided a sunrise shoot was a good way to catch up. It certainly was even though the light was just not happening. Coffee and brekky after made up for lack of good light. I've said this so many times but I just love living in Newcastle. It really just has the best of everything.
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO50, f/8, 15s
An added bonus was being able to catch a quick shot of Team Prawn as they passed by Estabar!
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 24mm, ISO400, f/8, 1/200s with fill flash
Just dreamin'
I wonder sometimes about the images we capture. Are we trying to capture what we see or are we trying to portray what we want people to perceive we feel.
I think, most of the time, as photographers, we don't feel anything real at the time of capture. We see the light and think "This will come up great!" We capture the image with a notion that, at some point, it will make us feel something and we, for the most part, manipulate the capture to convey that feeling. The question then is: Are we true to ourselves and are we manipulating the people who see and respond to our work?
I guess the notion of trying to make people believe what we want them to isn't new. It extends right through the art world into journalism and social media and it's hard sometimes to realise that most of what we see isn't real.
Canon 5Dmiii, EF35mm L @ 35mm, ISO400, f/6.3, 1/30s
Enjoying what Newcastle has to offer
I spend a lot of time shooting the coast of New South Wales. It's so easy, living along such a beautiful coastline, to forget the the beauty of other areas close by.
I get around Newcastle a bit in various ways and I'm always on the lookout for good photo opportunities. The criteria varies. Good location, good light and then the holy grail of a combination of the two. Glenrock Reserve is one such place at the right time of day. A fire ripped through here a few months ago. It seems to have affected some of the trees more than others with a mixture of burnt and freshly exposed tree trunks. I loved the contrast with the new foliage rising from the ground. This was special tonight.
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 50mm, ISO500, f/4, 1/30s
Home is...well...home :)
I've been home almost a week again. Time just slips away so fast these days. This week has been all about getting back into the routine of being home. That's what this life has become.
This evening I decided to take a walk out on the break wall at Nobby's. I cast my mind back to the countless times I've run out here morning, noon and night. The storms I've seen pummel these man made barriers and the photographs I've taken here. My thoughts drifted, however, to the relationships I've had and the experiences in which the break wall has played a part. None of those have been good.
The good time's I've spent here, I've been alone...like today. I watched people share their thoughts and embrace, hold their children, grandchildren and loved ones. That made me happy and completed my day.
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO50, f/5, 8 shot HDR
Leaving Jasper :(
It was with a heavy heart that I left Mount Roson Inn in Jasper this morning. The mountains feel like hands cupping my heart. A piece of me stays here every time I leave.
I got breakfast. I got coffee. I got fuel. Still the sun hadn't risen. I was met at the crossroads by a large heard of doe Elk and shortly afterwards by a massive bull. I've never seen Elk before so this was special at dawn.
At Athabasca the temperature had fallen to -9 degrees C. My breath froze on the back of the camera. Nobody was around, the sun was still below the horizon so the light was great...I got the selfie I wanted!
Further down the road Sunwapta lay in wait. By the time I got there the sun had broken through the trees so it wasn't ideal. Still, it was amazing.
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO400, f/16, 0.3 sec
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L Is with polariser @ 35mm, ISO50, f/22, 10 sec
An evening under Canadian Stars
The drive to Jasper had been a long one. Not in distance but in time. Icy roads and many stops along the way had sucked up all of the daylight. I lay on the hotel bed knowing this was my only night to shoot Sunwapta and Athabasca by night. 50km back down the road.
It was worth it though. Luckily I brought a strong torch. That allowed me to find my spot and also do a little light painting. The silence was drowned out by the thundering falls...once again I wondered about the hungry bears.
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO1600, f/3.2, 20 sec (light painting)
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO50, f/14, 30 sec
A morning back at Peyto Lake
I was up again this morning before sunrise and welcomed by the first snow of the season at Lake Louise. I wasn't too happy as I didn't have a scraper in the car and the snow had turned to ice. On with the heaters!!
First snow of the season and the first thing I saw on Highway 1 was a car accident. A truck had skidded off the road and ended up on it's roof. I stopped to help but there was nobody around even though the car was still warm.
As I walked briskly up the hill to Peyto Lake wearing my newly acquired rubber shoes, the cold air burned my lungs. I wondered how many bears were still around. I was alone and a little frightened. Anyway, I survived. I spent the morning hiking around Peyto and down to the glacier. I've been here a few times now but it's so different and so much more beautiful at sunrise. For five hours I forgot about the world and I had the whole valley to myself. Off season rules!
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO400, f/5.6, 1/160 sec
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO400, f/6.3, 1/160 sec
Image 3: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 67mm, ISO50, f/22, 5 sec
Image 4: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 55mm, ISO400, f/18, 1/25 sec
Image 5: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO100, f/8, 1/100 sec
The start of a weekend in the Rockies!
Today wasn't really going to be a day for photo's as I left Calgary too late. I helplessly watched the sun set as I battled the Albertan traffic.
I passed Lake Minnewanka, near Banff as the last light faded and decided to shoot the early evening stars. It was wonderful out there. Nobody around and, really, not a sound to be heard. My ears were sensitive to anything at this point...it is bear country after all. Winter is coming!
Night fell and the stars showed themselves. It was an incredible moment.
I moved on to Lake Louise where I was staying the night, had dinner and convinced myself to go up to the lake and try some moonlight images. I was exhausted as it was almost midnight at this point but I am so glad I went. I have really battled to get something good at Lake Louise over the years and I think these are my best so far.
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS @ 28mm, ISO1600, f/4, 30 sec (9 shot pano)
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO2500, f/3.2, 20 sec
Image 3: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm, ISO1600, f/4, 30 sec
Up above Kananaskis
Today I realised part of a long time dream. To see Mount Assiniboine. It's a 27km hike in from Canmore if you do it properly and you come in from the West but, today, given the lack of time, I cheated. I'll be back one summer with a can of bear spray!
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 24mm, ISO800, f/5.6, 1/250 sec
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 50mm, ISO800, f/5.6, 1/320 sec
Canmore...valley of broken dreams
You took my hand, you held it. Then you used a knife and I felt it.
I came here this weekend to replace old memories I made here. To reclaim misplaced trust. Always listen to the voice within...most of the time your head and your heart don't have each other's back.
Canmore, on the outskirts of Banff and Kananaskis in Alberta, is the most wonderful little place. So beautiful, so peaceful and there's a picture around every corner :). New memories made!
Image 1: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser & 0.9ND @ 60mm, ISO50, f/13, 10 sec
Image 2: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 105mm, ISO400, f/18, 1/125 sec
Image 3: Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS with polariser @ 24mm, ISO640, f/14, 1/125 sec
Image 4: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @ 16mm, ISO2500, f/2.8, 20 sec
A new angle
I think one of the hardest things we, as photographers, experience is the constant search for something new. I've been shooting in and around Newcastle for a while now and drawing inspiration from many sources. This afternoon I had actually planned to go back to the Bogey Hole and shoot from my normal vantage point...boring.
Most people will tell you that the definition of stupidity is to adopt the same approach and expect a different result. This thought was mulling around in my head as I watched the clouds roll in from the East. So, I decided to look for something else. I jumped the rail, battled with my fear of heights and set up high above. I'll definitely be back to this spot for a sunrise shot soon!
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @16mm, ISO50, f/16, 10 sec
Redhead explodes with colour!
All day the reports had predicted a thunderstorm in Newcastle this afternoon. It was just that nobody knew when and where it would hit. Apparently Cronulla got smashed but that was a long way down the coast. So, I drove down to Redhead hoping for the best.
Nothing much was happening when I got there at six. A couple of Instagramers turned up. Slowly the sun set and the clouds took on the most spectacular hue I've seen to date at Redhead. We didn't get the lightning but the Australian sun sure put on a show!
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L with polariser @70mm, ISO50, f/20, 5 sec
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @16mm, ISO50, f/20, 6 sec
A massive weekend!
It's been a huge weekend and that's the way Iike it! It started off yesterday afternoon with shooting a wedding in King Edward Park and on to Belmont for the reception. Shooting a wedding with nice people is always a bonus...this was one of those.
Today I got up at before sunrise to see if I could get a few lit shots at the iStadium road races. unfortunately the race started late and by the time the runners got to where I had set up, my flashes couldn't overpower the sun. Added to the power issue was the fact that they had to be a fair distance from the runners. So I shot a heap of natural light shots that turned out okay.
I'm so distracted by the weather and light these days. I was having dinner at Bar Beach with some dear friends and all I could do was look out of the window at the storm rolling in. I knew it would take me forty minutes to get to Warners Bay for the sunset so right at the last minute I excused myself and left. Worth it in the end...I hope so. I got the image above :)
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II with polariser @16mm, ISO50, f/10, 10 sec
Sunrise at Catho!
It's been a long weekend in New South Wales. A long weekend drenched in footy fever with both the AFL and NRL grand finals being played. I didn't have too much interest in the games but couldn't avoid it. So, congrats to the Hawks and the Cowboys :)
Along with the footy, we've also got back to Summer daylight savings. Yay! This means later sunrises and later sunsets...both good!
I made it back to Catherine Hill Bay this morning for the sunrise. I had hoped for more clouds but the reality is that I will have to wait for a few months for the sun to move back to the middle of the frame for a better shot anyway. It was just nice to be out again.
Canon 5Dmiii, 15mm Fisheye @15mm, ISO50, f/18, 6 shot/stop HDR