If you miss me
If you think of me once in a while
I will wait for you
I will always have a place for you in my heart...
Happy birthday my beautiful, special baby girl. I love and miss you always and forever.
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If you miss me
If you think of me once in a while
I will wait for you
I will always have a place for you in my heart...
Happy birthday my beautiful, special baby girl. I love and miss you always and forever.
It would be easy to get up for sunrise in the winter as it's only at about 06h30...if it just wasn't so cold :). It was rather uneventful today but, still, just to be out made me happy!
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS @ 24mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO50, f/22, 1.3s
It's so hard shooting in the midday light when you want to get the slow shutter happening...and when the wind is blowing it gets even harder!
I spent the weekend at Bluey's Beach with and old friend and her family. It's strange how kids who connected at the age of 6 still feel that connection almost 40 years on. I sometimes think we really underestimate just how much our very young years affect our lives forever.
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 70mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO500, f/32, 25s
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 165mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO50, f/32, 2.5s
Flew up to Noosa last night to shoot a wedding tomorrow. Out and about today to scope out some locations with the couple. Fingers crossed we get some of this tomorrow!
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS @ 24mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/22, 4s
To all the living
The sun giveth and the sun taketh away.
Make of it the most
All you're left with is memories of a day
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L IS @ 24mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO50, f/22, 8s
Karen and I have been friends since I first met her when I was just five years old. I moved away when I was ten and we lost contact for, literally, decades. Even in her absence, she has been a part of my life as she has never been far from my thoughts having had a huge impact on me as a child.
We have recently reconnected through the joys of social media and realised that, even though we now live half way around the world from where we last saw each other, we live pretty close to each other! I have been lucky enough to spend some time getting to know her husband and young family which has been a joy. This weekend I hung some of my work in her home...In a million years I would not have predicted this would happen this year.
This morning was always going to be special, I just didn't know why.
It had been a night of little sleep...nothing unusual but it did result in a considerable amount of effort being required to get up when the alarm went off at 5:30. Sunrise on the East Coast of Australia is around 7:00 so we had ample time to get to the beach to take in the changing light.
It wasn't the best sunrise but it was the best time.
Image above:
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 17mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO50, f/22, 1/6s
Images below:
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 90mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO100, f/22, 10s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 22mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/22, 2s
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 70mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO320, f/7.1, 1/200s
It's hard to believe that Easter is here again. Where are the brakes on this roller coaster we call life?!
I'd been looking forward to this Easter for a while. My oldest friend (duration, not age!) had invited me to spend time in Sydney with her and her family. This not only gave me an opportunity to continue to catch up on a lot of lost time in recent years but also an a chance to get to know the rest of her family a bit better. In addition to this I hung a large print of my most recent Redhead image in her home which was extremely special for me.
These images from tonight were taken at North Curl Curl rock pool. It's so beautiful here!
Image above:
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 35mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO100, f/11, 30s
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Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 19mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO160, f/22, 1s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO160, f/22, 2s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 35mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO100, f/8, 20s
A gloomy day brought out the winter green of the waves at Merewether. It's been a remarkably warm autumn.
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 200mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO800, f/8, 1/800s
The beauty of this sunset hides the reality of this night. The wind was howling across the ANZAC Memorial walk in Newcastle, whipping up sand from the beach far below. It was impossible to put down a tripod and almost impossible to shoot handheld. I have to say, this was a really unpleasant night but it did deliver some remarkably good images!
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 70mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO800, f/4.5, 1/400s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 20mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO400, f/6.3, 1/250s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.6GND, ISO400, f/4.5 1/200s
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 156mm with Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/32, 1.6s: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 21mm with Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/22, 0.6sFor a very long time now I have avoided shooting at midday until when, recently, I was doing a client consultation and they pointed out that I have no bright images. This hit home. I've been shooting only at the blue and golden hours and also only when the weather was troublesome...much like my mood over the past few years.
Anyway, this is about to change. I'm a lot happier these days having eliminated trouble from my life and I'm hoping my work will start to reflect this.
Image above: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 21mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/22, 0.6s
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Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 156mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/32, 1.6s
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 125mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/32, 1.6s
Canon 5Dmiii, 70-200L IS@ 200mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO320, f/5.6, 1/5000s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 18mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO50, f/18, 8sI have captured so many images here at Nobby's beach over the years. In fact, the very first images I sold were taken here in 2007. Never have I experienced it like this though. All the images shown here were captured over a 30 minute period. I have never seen the light change like this before.
It's the change in season again. My favourite time of year. We have had an extraordinary time of late in Newcastle. 6 weeks straight of temperatures over 28 degrees with no rain. Tonight that changed. The temperature dropped and it brought the rain clouds.
I went down to the beach hoping for a rainbow. It was there but oohing special. As I waited in the car for the rain to stop, the sky started to explode with colour.
Image above: Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 32mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO50, f/18, 5s
Images below:
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 22mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO200, f/22, 5s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 28mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO320, f/22, 5s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 18mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO50, f/18, 8s
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 28mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO320, f/20, 30s
Seriously, you wouldn't, by looking at the images over the past few weeks, think that I have struggled for years to get something respectable from the Cowrie hole. I am not sure if it is the change in season or just more effort but I really am happy with why has come from this position recently.
I have to say though that both tonight and when I last shot a month ago, my camera and I did cop a good few solid splashes which has resulted in me having to suck the salt water out of every nook and cranny on my machine. It's not a good look and people think you're crazy sucking on a camera!
This is what it's all about though...the pictures...not the gear. I think, as photographers, we forget that sometimes. That's because the gear is so ludicrously expensive!
Canon 5Dmiii, 16-35L II @ 16mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO160, f/22, 10s
What a wonderful two days we had in February at the Novotel Newcastle beach! Great people, awesome venue, incredible learning and skills shared that will last.
You HAVE to come to our next one!
This, I think, is the image that has reignited my interest in shooting in the bright sunshine. I haven't done much in the past few years. It's such a challenge and rarely delivers anything satisfactory.
My parents are here for the weekend and we went down to Redhead for breakfast. I threw my camera bag in the car not even thinking I would be shooting anything in the bright sunshine. We arrived at Redhead, had breakfast and then went to stand on the rocks at the shark tower. The colours were overwhelming!
I asked my parents to wait and I got my camera. When I got back, there was someone sitting right in the spot I wanted to set up! Now, having seen what i got, I am grateful for that because it pushed me to do something better. And better it was!
Another wonderful thing about this image is that it will soon hang in the home of my oldest, long lost friend. We have recently reconnected and I am so humbled to hang this in her family's home!
Canon 5Dmiii, 24-105L @ 40mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.9ND, ISO50, f/22, 0.8s
It was my birthday weekend this weekend. I was lucky enough to have my parents down from Queensland and we took the morning to watch a little of Surfest and get some breakfast at the Merwether Surfhouse.
Newcastle is awesome!
Canon 5Dmiii, 100-400L IS@ 400mm with B&W Circ polariser, ISO640, f/5.6, 1,2500s
I've seen a few shots like this over the years and really wanted on of my own. I've been watching the moon charts for the past month hoping that the moon would rise full in the early evening when there was enough ambient light to retain detail in both the moon and the landscape. Tonight it was on!
My friend Katherine had suggested that we get together for dinner so that I could give her the images from an engagement shoot I had just done for her. I had to put her off for an hour or so so that I could come and get this. Fortunately for me, she's a photographer that understands my obsession :).
Canon 5Dmiii, 100-400L IS @ 188mm with B&W Circ polariser, Cokin 0.3GND, ISO50, f/29, 5s
A wonderful second day of learning at the "Demystify your DSLR" workshop in Newcastle, NSW. I could not have asked for a better bunch of people with whom to share this special experience!
Stay tuned...we'll be running the next one soon!
Today I hosted the "Demystify your DSLR" photography workshop at the Novotel in Newcastle. What a fantastic day. Doing something I love with a great bunch of people.
8 hours of tuition, 3 hours of practical...bring on day 2!
Tomorrow marks a milestone in my life. It's been a long time coming. I've been wanting to do a workshop for about five years now and tomorrow I'll be hosting my very first at the Novotel in Newcastle NSW. The class is full. I'm excited. I'm hoping this is the start of something very special.